Survey & Research System
SRS conducted surveys and studies in various areas being commissioned by other organizations. The following is a list of surveys and studies other than its own research conducted by SRS:
01) Bangladesh’s Democracy: According to its People 2017 sponsored by The Asia Foundation (TAF).
02) Identify Trend of UP Revenue Collection 2015 organized by Local Government Institution during December 2015 to September 2016 sponsored by the UNDP.
03) Electoral Democracy Perception Survey 2015 sponsored by The Asia Foundation (TAF).
04) Citizen Perception Survey on Services Provided by Local Government Institution during March to December 2014 sponsored by the UNDP.
05) Pre&Post-
06) Election Monitoring: National Parliament Election January 2014 and Election Monitoring: Upazila Election 2014 sponsored by The Asia Foundation (TAF)
07) National perception study August 2013 sponsored by The Asia Foundation (TAF) during August 2013.
08) To Identify Trend of Union Parishad Revenue Mobilization sponsored by UNDP during 2011-
09) Exit Poll Survey on the Comilla City Corporation Mayoral Election during 2012 sponsored by Democracy International (DI).
10) Developing M&E Guideline, Tools & Techniques and Reporting outline” (project monitoring) for Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh sponsored by UNDP
11) Updating existing database with polling center results of 2008 parliamentary elections & establish concordance of the union and ward level data for the past 4 election
12) The Review and Assessment of the SVRS (Sample Vital Registration System of BBS) Project sponsored by UNFPA
13) Baseline Survey on Union Parishad Revenue/Resource Mobilization of Selected LGSP-
14) Survey of 2010 Updated Voter List sponsored by UNDP, Dhaka
15) An Assessment of the pilot updating of Voter List-
16) Voter Registration Audit Survey in Bangladesh, August-
17) Monitoring of Voter Registration & Demographic Analysis of Voter List 2008 in the Chittagong Hill Tract Area sponsored by DFIDB and administered by the Asia Foundation.
18) Monitoring of Voter Registration & Demographic Analysis of Voter List 2008 in Rajshahi, Raozan and Tahirpur sponsored by DFIDB and administered by the Asia Foundation.
19) The Quality Evaluation Assessment of the Twelfth National Perception Survey of Asia Foundation-
20) Urban Investment Climate Survey 2006, Bangladesh in association with Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) and sponsored by the World Bank.
21) Survey on Integrity of Voter List prepared for the proposed 2006 Election which was sponsored by NDI (National Democratic Institute) Bangladesh.
22) Survey on Integrity of Voter List of the 2001 election held in 2004 which was sponsored by NDI (National Democratic Institute) Bangladesh.
23) Survey on Gender Relation and Human Right Situations in Bangladesh conducted in 2003 was sponsored by BLAST (Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust).
24) Bangladesh Survey of Formal and Informal Establishments as part of a broader study: Investment Climate in Bangladesh, sponsored by the World Bank during August-
25) Bangladesh NGO Survey 2003 sponsored by The World Bank conducted during February-
26) Public Opinion Poll on Upazila System and Women’s Seat in the National Parliament during January-
27) Firm Level Survey-
28) Governance and Institutional Quality Survey comprising three separate surveys viz. a Households survey, an Enterprise survey and a Civil Servants survey sponsored by the World Bank was conducted during the period May-
29) Citizens’ Report Card Survey (Urban Service Delivery) sponsored by The World Bank and was conducted in the four large cities-
30) A national survey on Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of TV serials "Shukla Pakha" broadcast in 13 episodes from 15th October, 1999 to 28th January, 2000 in BTV with the intention to popularize education for all was conducted during November, 1999 to February’ 2000. The study was sponsored by Asian Development Bank under the Non-
31) Estimation of Marketed part of Agricultural Production and Distributive Trade (wholesale and retail trade services)-
32) A nationwide survey on ‘Corruption in Bangladesh’ was undertaken by SRS in 1997 sponsored by the Asia Foundation and the Transparency International, Bangladesh. The survey results were highly appreciated by the public in general, the sponsoring agency and various international agencies and institutions. International institutions, such as The World Bank, UNDP, Asian Foundation etc and researchers and policy makers found the results of the survey to be of Substatorial value for policy formulation and development of strategy. Internationally the methodology of the survey was highly acclaimed and was replicated in countries, like, India, Indonesia and Egypt.
33) SRS undertook a series (four) of surveys on behalf of the Center for Policy Dialogue over a period of two years. Brief description of those studies are given below. No formal report was prepared by SRS for these surveys Results and findings of these were, however, formally disseminated by CPD following eonchesion of each survey. A survey on Municipal (Urban) Services provided by a each of the four main city corporations-
34) National Survey on Management of Health and Education and a poll of the Political Activists and the Business Community were conducted in 1997. This study was the third in the series conducted nationwide with a view to appraising how well health and education services were managed. The poll was conducted to assess the views of political activities and business community-
35) National Survey and Poll on Management of Local Development Activities and Governance and important national issues, such as, Load Shedding (Power failure), Share market Debacle, Supply of Fertilizer, Ganges Water Sharing Treaty and Transit Issue (1997). This study was the second of the CPD series of studies and covered issues relevant to national interest. The results and findings were disseminated by CPD through Press conference and Press release.
36) National Survey and Poll on Loan Default, Privatization, Import Liberalization and Agricultural Subsidy (1996). This was the first study of the series in which a nationwide survey and poll on several important issues of national interests, such as, loan default, privatization, import liberalization and agricultural subsidy were covered-
37) SRS participated in data collection for the MICS and ORT baseline survey conducted jointly by UNICEF and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) in 1996 for Dhaka Division. The survey collected information on health, education, nutrition and ORT of children.
38) Dhaka City Poll (1996): It was a small-