Survey & Research System

Survey & Research System

Siddiquer Rahman


Mr. Siddiquer Rahman, M.Sc. in statistics from Dhaka University with training in Survey sampling from US Bureau of Census and Population and demography from A.N.U,  Canberra, Australia.

Census and survey taking has been the life time profession since the 1961 Population Census of Pakistan. Has been associated with numerous censuses and post censal surveys since then; undertaken 1990 Population Census of Papua New Guinea and post censal surveys and has been undertaking socio-economic surveys conducted by SRS (Survey and Research System) since 1996. Before accepting the assignment with the Govt. of Papua New Guinea in late 1986, Mr. Rahman went on early retirement from the post of Deputy Director General (DDG) with the BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics). During the years of service with the Govt. of Bangladesh and Govt. of Pakistan, he served in various capacities as Director, joint Director, Deputy Census Commissioner, etc and was responsible for planning and conducting the censuses of population, 1974 and 1981 in addition to carrying out other national sample surveys of Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), Labor Force Surveys, etc conducted regularly by BBS. Since his return to Bangladesh in 1996, he has been associated with the Survey and Research system (SRS) in different capacities as Director, Field operations, Chairman and has been successfully carrying out the duties both administrative and technical.
